• “María Agui Carter’s film is beautifully directed and the major battle scenes are worthy of blockbuster feature period films.”

    Latin Heat
  • “The narration, re-creations, and acting are, as with most PBS programming, outstanding. The re-creations are moving, especially given the almost total lack of dialog from the actors. The quality is exceptional.”

    Abraham Lincoln Blog
  • “REBEL explores the mysterious story of Loreta Velasquez, a Cuban immigrant who secretly served as a soldier during the Civil War, but her story has been erased from the history books.”

  • “Rebel starts out interesting and gets even better… her message can’t be stilled, nor her courage.”

    NY Daily News
  • “REBEL… weaves together a captivating hour- long documentary that successfully lifts the veil of mystery that has shrouded its subject for nearly 150 years and rightfully restores her place in history alongside her sisters in uniform.”

    Civil War Notebook
  • “Her story is fascinating, but the controversy over her memoir is equally amazing. After viewing ‘Rebel,’ you will be left pondering how history is written, what we know, and why. Which is exactly what writer and director Maria Agui Carter wants us to do.”

    Viva La Feminista Blog

Here you will find news and blog articles about REBEL.  Journalists go to “ABOUT” page for the Electronic Press Kit (EPK) link to download printable and blog photos, bios, etc.


“Para Agui Carter, la producción de este documental en el que trabajó durante más de una década —y el cual será presentado este viernes 21 de marzo en la Academia de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Drexel en Filadelfia— es una manera... Read More

BC Blogcritics: Athena Film Festival Movie Review

“Documentaries best dive into the underbelly of historical events and enlighten us about men and women whose life stories have hithertofore been obscured, “wiped out,”  or discredited because their content was deemed dangerous or a fiction.  Rebel, directed by Maria Agui Carter, exemplifies... Read More

Univision Boston (TV news segment and online)

“Productora ecuatoriana en Massachusetts toma en sus manos proyecto fílmico que plasma el papel que jugó una mujer hispana durante la guerra civil de este país. Maria Agui Carter trae a la luz pública la figura de la cubana Loretta Velázquez a través... Read More

NPR Interview

http://wwno.org/post/rebel-loreta-velazquez-confederate-soldier-turned-union-spy NPR radio interview with: Diane Mack Announcer & Producer dmmack1@uno.edu “This is NPR’s Morning Edition, at 89.9 WWNO. Good Morning, I’m Diane Mack.” ‘Rebel’ Loreta Velazquez: Confederate Soldier Turned Union Spy We go Inside the Arts for conversation with filmmaker Maria Agui... Read More

El Planeta

“El jueves 23 de enero se llevará a cabo el estreno en una sala de cine de Boston del documental Rebel, escrito y dirigido por María Agui Carter… explora la vida secreta de Loreta Velazquez, una inmigrante cubana que combatió con los Confederados... Read More
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One hour version of REBEL as broadcast on National PBS for personal use.


One hour teacher’s version of REBEL with audio/visual screening license.


75 min. feature Director’s Cut is available for theatrical and community screenings. Contact info@iguanafilms.com.